Tips to Write a Professional career change CV

How to Write a Career Change CV: 10 Top Tips

Landing a job of choice is one of the most difficult tasks that an individual would ever be coming across. One has to be very careful while making career choices and things can turn upside down any minute because the job market is looking for experienced and skilled people.

Before making career choices, make sure to conduct extensive research throughout the market in order to check the fields that are in demand. This is also important in order to get an idea that in upcoming years which job positions and careers would be growing so you could plan out your future for the secure and safest job.

Job hunting is very crucial. I know, this task is very intimidating and time-consuming for every job-hunter. Also, not landing on the job right after crafting and submitting the resume is heartbreaking. This can be due to the unprofessional wordings in the resume that can cost heavily in terms of career choice and profession.


Creating an effective CV could be a challenge and a lot of us may pass through it. However, writing an impressive CV could be way so terrifying for so many people. Before writing a resume, this is very important to have a look at the job description and the responsibilities that are defined within the advertisement.

This would help you craft and tailor your resume finely. Also, this is an essential component in order to pass the ATS- applicant tracking system.

If you wish to land the job of your choice instantly then you would have to make some serious changes to the resume. Otherwise, your CV might land in the junk folder and the recruiter may never want to look at the CV that is not incorporated with the appropriate keywords and description.

Also, to get your CV noticed by the recruiters, make sure to point your some outclass accomplishments and achievements. There is no need to bombard your resume with the objectives and aims only as it will not paint you practically.


Apart from the writing of the resumes that are for your current chosen career, another most difficult task is to write a CV for a career change. This is really very difficult as none of us is pro at switching careers and cannot write the resume for the change of the career in just a go.

Changing a career is one of the hardest choices that one could ever make in his life. Well, this is also the significant need of an hour as if one field is not being in demand and isn’t helping you to make a fair amount of money. Then switching the career is absolutely okay.

Learning different skills and implementing them for the sake of your career and degree is the finest way out. And, if in this competitive era, you are good enough to get paid for your skills then it is amazing to switch your career.

But, I know that writing a career change CV is a hard nut to crack and only a few people know that how to tackle this.

Most of us go through the phase of a career change and this is completely okay to make new choices for new dreams. You might be having a lot of different reasons for the change of the career and I understand those financial and logistical reasons well!

Writing the CV for changing career could be a hustle but here I have broken down 10 killer tips that would be helping you that how you must write a good resume for the change of your career. Are you ready to dive in? Let’s get into the process.

Do the market research well:

Before switching the career, this is very important to have a look at the market. Make sure to start the searching from the earliest to avoid the unfortunate circumstances at the end. This is better to switch to a career that is highly in demand.

You may also have to get the career change CV personal statement in order to show your interest to some other field. This personal statement can be attached with the referenced resume and the cover letter to help you express yourself efficiently.

Take a fresh start:

As you are going to start a whole new career so it is highly recommended to start with a whole new CV. Your new resume would be highlighting your past experiences and achievements. This would also help the recruiter to have a glance at your previous performance.

For a new job role, the CV needs to be tailored. Especially, if it is about the career change resume then you must make sure to structure the CV in a way that it would paint your positive and enthusiastic picture in front of the recruiter.

Make sure to make a great first impression:

A change of career always calls for a complete overhaul. You must spend some time writing the engaging and compelling cover letter that could accompany your resume efficiently. Also, the cover letter is important to make a great impression on recruiters.

You can also explain the skills and the experience that you have gained from your previous career. Also, make sure to elaborate on how you are the perfect one for this job. This will surely get you in the eyes of a recruiter.

Get started with a new job description:

Another essential element is to include an opening summary on the career change resume. This is very important as it would be highlighting your career change personal statement and your past achievements as well.

Make sure to include the keywords from the job description and must link them with the relevant skills and the experience from the past roles as well. This would help the recruiter to analyze that you are interested enough in the job.

Go with the mix format:

Hear me out, if your CV is having a big change and you are switching your job role completely then the traditional chronological CV would not be the perfect match for it. Since you are going for the career change then change the format too.

Use the first page of your CV to highlight your career goals and qualifications. Also, you can create categories to paint your experience and skills.

Leave something behind from your career change CV:

Definitely, this is very important to share your accomplishments and achievements in the resume, but at the same, you cannot add up every minor success in the career to date. So keep it simple yet minimal but also effective and impressive.

Make sure to focus on the skills and achievements which determine that you are an amazing candidate for a certain job role. Also, there is no need to include the descriptions for the job roles that are completely irrelevant.

Highlight the valuable work experience:

While switching the career, your professional experience may be unrelated to your previous job roles. In such cases, you can take the help of career change CV services as they will paint your activities in a way that would carry more weight.

In this way, you would be able to paint your transferable skills along with other voluntary skills. Also, this would highly demonstrate that you are interested in the new job role and would like to learn more about the new fields and job position.

Show skills and value with numbers:

You can also include bullet points that could showcase your contribution while presenting your previous job roles. In this way, the recruiter would be able to gain the understanding that you are clearly interested in the new job role.

Numbers are also a great way to indicate your contributions and accomplishments. They are also essential on the career change CV so the recruiter could quickly relate how the candidate is good for the company.

Find natural crossovers:

There are so many skills and commands that are the same throughout different fields. A lot of the management structures also require the same skillset and accomplishments so you can make a good move here.

Make sure to find the aspects of the previous roles that would have an impressive effect on the recruiter for the new role. Project management and social media marketing are some of those great fields.

Don’t take qualification gaps to your heart:

When the career changes, there come some qualification gaps. This is something common and has to happen because you are coming from an unrelated professional background. Do not be disheartened with it.

You are yourself a champion because you would be having a diverse working background then. Make sure to portray your skills and abilities efficiently and also show your desire to change a career with passion and motivation.


With the help of these 10 top and killer tips, you can write your career change CV and can make your resume worth the change. Make sure to incorporate these tips smartly into your resume so you could land the demanding career and job role in few days. Stay passionate, confident, and eager to learn new skills so the recruiter could notice you as well.

If you are looking for a specifically tailored and expert CV writing agency for professional consultancy and career change resumes, then here at CV Writings you can also take the help of top-notch CV makers to get professionally crafted and bespoke CVs.

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