Tips to Make Your CV Stand Out for 2020

7 Tips to Make Your CV Stand Out For 2020

Looking forward to pursuing a new career in 2020? The first thing to do is dust-up and renew your CV.  Editing and updating your resume can result in you obtaining the top place in the list of applicants. Your CV is the basic source through which you can market your attributes to the recruiters. Therefore, the document has to be powerful enough to persuade the hiring managers to consider you.

We have seven brilliant tips to help you in writing a resume that secures you an interview.

  • Highlighting relevant work experience

Keep in mind that it is not necessary to list every single job or accomplishment in your resume. Create a few different versions of your CV tailored according to the position you are applying for. Mention only those skills and achievements in it which are most relevant to that job. Customizing your resume makes you seem particularly eligible for that job opening. You need to outline only those skills which single you out as the perfect candidate.

  • Demonstrate your value through figures

Human resource personnel and hiring managers are huge fans of numbers. Try to provide a proof of your accomplishments in percentages. How much you managed to do is something that is highly appealing to recruiters. Any impressive achievements that need to be a bit detailed can fit into the cover letter. Any volunteer work experience you have is also a worthwhile mention to include in you resume. Specifically, the hours you put into it.

  • Update your experience with certifications

In fields like Information Technology and healthcare, certifications count a lot. It shows the recruiters that you are willing to expand your horizons in the field. Renewing your certifications through online courses is also a great way to stay updated in the industry. Therefore, share the details of ay certifications you possess. If you don’t have any yet, there consider doing so before you set out on a job search.

  • Correct formatting

Make sure that your resume does not appear unprofessional and disorganized. Formatting is an important factor that should not be taken lightly in resume writing. Make sure there is ample line spacing, correct grammar and separate sections. Double-check for any grammar and spelling errors and use a simple, reader-friendly font. Any attached hyperlinks should be live. It is better to save the document as a PDF to prevent any issues in formatting.

  • Focus on the top of the CV

Resumes need to be eye-catching right from the beginning. Or else they will fail to catch the attention of the recruiters. To ensure that adding a summary or attractive headline is the way to go. Hiring managers should want to read more after the first few lines. Any descriptions that you need to add should be precise and straight forward. Recruiters have a lot of documents to go through so get to the key points directly in your CV.

  • Use keywords that are relevant

In order to get accepted by an applicant tracking system or capture the recruiter’s attention, use keywords. Integrating the keywords from your job description imply that you are the best candidate for the role. Both software and human managers tend to accept those resumes which have keywords specific to that job. To find out the ones most suitable you only need to carefully review the job postings. It is wiser to only use short, eye-catching key phrases or words. Include them in all sections such as the headers, qualifications, certification and more.

  • Keep it only a single page long

As mentioned before, recruiters do not have a great amount of time to spend on each CV. Hence large resumes are likely to be put aside no matter how impressive the content. A single page long resume is just right for any job position unless it is an executive role. The best way to do it is to first create a rough draft that includes all the relevant information. Then edit it down to only the elements which are most suitable.

Your CV will be a winning one if you make sure to follow our given tips. For further help, you can even reach out to our cv writing service. We have experienced professional who tailor your resume according to the expectations and trends of the industry.

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