How To Write A Leave Request (With Template)

How To Write A Leave Request (With Template)

At some point in your career, you might wish to take some time off work. Irrespective of your particular reason, you can do this by giving a leave application to your manager.

Understanding how to structure your request properly is a helpful skill that can help you throughout your career.

In this blog, we will talk about how you can write a great leave application and offer an effective leave request email template that you can use as an outline while drafting your own.

So, this blog will serve no less than your holiday email request guide. We are going to walk you through every minute detail from the body to the subject of the email.

Bon Voyage!

How To Write A Leave Request Email | 7 Steps To Follow

If you are confused as to how to email a CV or leave request, then read on! The basic rules for writing an application generally apply to a leave request email. Here are some elemental steps you need to remember while asking your manager for a day off or two.

Step No. 1 – Choose A Formal Greeting

Begin your email by selecting a formal way to greet your manager. Even though you might know your manager well, it is necessary to keep emails and official letters formal. This is because the management might print or even save employee requests for the internal purposes of your company. When you are unsure about the preferred pronouns of your recipients or if you would like to keep your letter formal, one of the best greetings for this sort of communication is “Dear“. You can also add the first name of your recipient.

Step No. 2 – Explain Why You Are Writing Email

Try to use the first sentence of your email to briefly shed light on why you are reaching out. In this manner, your recipient can rapidly determine the message and get back to you in a timely manner. You might also use the subject of your email to highlight your intention.

Step No. 3 – State The Dates Of Your Absence

After you have informed your manager about your reason for taking leave, it is crucially important to let them know about the dates of your absence. You can put the dates in bold to help your manager spot them easily in the email. Try your best not to take leaves during any important company events, project deadlines, or meetings.

Step No. 4 – Provide A Reason, If Necessary

There are many reasons you may wish to take some time off of work, such as public duties, family holidays, or even to get some time for yourself. Offering a solid reason can help your recruiter determine the cause of your leave and authorise your request. It also helps you put yourself as a trustworthy and reliable employee. You must offer a crystal-clear reason and be honest about it. While it is encouraged to provide the reason, oversharing the details is not recommended at all.

Step No. 5 – Share Additional Details

Occasionally, you might wish to share supplementary details while sending a leave request to your manager. For instance, you might decide to do this if you already have made the necessary arrangements with your colleagues and know that they can cover for you while you are on your leave. It is also necessary to assure your manager that taking a leave would not negatively affect your work quality during the given time period.

Step No. 6 – Thank Your Supervisor For Their Consideration

End your email by thanking your recipient for their time and consideration. It is a great sign of respect. By including this in your application, you might even elevate your chances of getting approval from their side. So, if you have even the slightest flicker of doubt regarding your supervisor’s decision, you can use this section to reassure them that you can still keep up with your work even after taking a few days off.

Step No. 7 – Include A Formal Sign-Off And A Signature

Close your email with your signature and a relevant sign-off. If you have a good relationship with your manager, you might consider putting up the popular phrase “Best regards”. You can even use some other alternatives, such as “Thank you in advance“, “Respectfully“, “Sincerely”, and a lot more.

Leave Request Email Template

Drafting a universally formal email template, be it for taking leaves or submitting your resume writing, can help you save precious time while writing requests and messages to your managers and colleagues. So, here is a simple template for your next leave request. Feel free to use it as an outline while writing your email to your manager.

Subject: [Add the reason of your email here]

Dear [Recipient’s name],

I am writing this email to formally seek your permission to avail my annual leave in advance of my entitlements. I would prefer to take these leaves between the given dates: [mention the dates that you want off].

I will be ways for [add the number of days you wish to take an off for], which is as per the annual leave policy of the company. I have talked over this matter with my team and [name of colleague] to cover for me during my leave. If required, you can also reach out to me by email: [insert your email address] and my personal number: [add your contact number].

Thank you for considering the above-mentioned dates for my leave.


[Write your name here]

And that is it! This is how you write a leave request!

How can I write a professional leave request?

After adding formal greetings, include a brief explanation of why you are taking the days off. Perhaps shed light on where you will be, or what will be your commitments while you are away from work. If it is doable, provide your assistance and offer the perfect way to contact you during your time off. Make sure to thank them for considering your leave request.

What is the perfect reason to apply for leave?

Here are a bunch of perfect reasons why you can take leave from your work:

  1. Illness
  2. Family emergency or illness
  3. Death of a loved one
  4. Car trouble/house or apartment issues
  5. Feeling tired or stressed
  6. Unhappy in your job
  7. Poor planning and a lot more

How can I request a leave from my boss?

Whenever you request a formal leave from your boss, make sure to include the following points in your leave application:

  1. Request for a leave of absence
  2. The dates you expect to be away from work
  3. The date you will be returning to work
  4. An offer to assist, if feasible
  5. Always thank them for considering your request

What is a personal work leave request?

Personal leaves refer to time off given to employees for any personal reasons that are generally unrelated to their work commitments. These leaves can be paid or even un-paid and allow the employees to attend personal emergencies or look after themselves without sweating about their work duties. Some of the common reasons why employees take leave are:

  1. To recover from a serious illness
  2. Take an extended trip
  3. Undergo a medical procedure
  4. Welcome a new child into the family
  5. Assist a family member and a lot more

Summing It All Up!

That is all! By reading the information given above, we are sure that you are all set to write a great leave request all by yourself. Follow the template, and you will surely get those days off. Writing a leave application is not a difficult process. You only have to follow some simple steps, and that is it. Make sure to keep your tone clear, formal, and concise. Moreover, it is necessary that you offer the required details; however, steer clear of going into additional details that might not be needed. You can easily convince your manager to approve your request by ensuring this.

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