Developing Your Professional Network - Keys to Career Success

Developing Your Professional Network – Keys to Career Success   

The idea of developing a professional network is often thought of as –introducing yourself and having a chit-chat to be known. But is it really confined to the boring small talk with an influential person or sliding a business card to your prospect?

Well – that’s a definite NO!

There’s no denying that networking often comes with a stigma of ‘negativity’ since you communicate and interact with people to make the success game turn in your favour. However, there’s simply no harm in cultivating and maintaining good relationships, but it works wonders in taking your career to the next level. Several studies depict that around 85% of job positions are filled through the networking game.

If that’s the case, why to take the back seat? In this blog, we’ll make you aware of some important points on how you unlock success by developing your professional network.

But let’s first dig deeper into what networking really is.

What Is Networking and Is It Worth The Effort?

Without mincing words, it is all about nurturing great relations and building connections in the industry. Undoubtedly, it’s a perfect recipe to transit into the inner circle of professionals and turn the table to your side. You can get your dream job or land in that organization you’ve been longing for – all with networking.

How Do I Start Networking Skills?

Now that we know the idea behind networking, let’s delve into the strategies that can make your career go ‘wow’.

1. Networking 101: Right Place – Right Time

Let’s be real – opportunities aren’t going to knock on your door, but you have to make your way and grab it right away. That’s unlikely to happen if your life juggles around home to the office. Having an exciting resume written by a professional CV writer isn’t enough. You have to step out and attend those industry events that happening around.

Keep an eye on the latest news in the industry and be aware of any events. Whether it’s a formal meetup for networking or just another industry-related event, you should be ready to take the first row. The idea here is to be around a group of like-minded people who are discussing things that will pin your ears back.

It’s more than just listening and clapping. When you attend the event, you have to have your ‘elevator pitch’ ready. All you have are a few minutes, so you have to use it wisely in what detail you pitch about yourself to stand out. Basically, it’s your little TED talk that you don’t wanna miss.

2. Social Networking Is 50% Work Done

This era is all about social media, and turning your back on these platforms can cost you more than you think. That’s why you have to be presentable on your social networks, too. Start with connecting with some industry professionals from your domain to be around people with similar interests and preferences. For that, we suggest you stick to your trusty favourite –LinkedIn.

Since it is a platform dedicated to professional use, it can do wonders. In face-to-face meetings, you introduce yourself. Similarly, you can use your profile to serve the purpose. Just filling out bio and experience won’t do anything. Be confident in your narrative and write something that’s more captivating. You can simply hire a LinkedIn profile writer to get that done exceptionally. Moreover, don’t forget to use a professional picture and milestones to make it more impactful.

3. Content Is Your Power

Like you communicate your ideas in person, you can do the same on LinkedIn with unique content. That platform isn’t just for sharing promotions, but you can use it wisely. Share content that resonates with your connections, or discuss a hot topic that turns heads. Play smart and don’t delve into something controversial but choose topics exciting enough to make people comment.

For instance– if you’re from the IT industry, sharing a juicy insight on a new release might help you get the right attention.

Alternatively, you can share any TED Talk, repost any influential personality, or voice your own thoughts. Discussing your achievements and sharing the nitty-gritty of your recent works will favour you. As a bonus tip, you can also slide into people’s DM or comment on a hot thread. That will help you crack into the circle of professionals.

4. Reconnect Strategically Is A Thing

Now that we have fathomed the power of connecting with new people, we should focus on reconnection in your strategy, too. First and foremost, never go out of touch with your valuable connection. But let’s be honest– it’s not humanly possible.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to them to say ‘Hi’ or simply let them know what you’ve been up to all this time. This will set the stage for a small but important conversation. It also gives a subliminal message, and people will recall you when they need any assistance in a similar sphere.

Be strategic and ask for an endorsement or a referral. The second aspect of reconnection is to be involved in doing volunteer work or something similar, so you can get closer to the right people. This way, you can effectively pitch your ideas and build significant networks.

5. Don’t Underestimate Consistency

Networking isn’t about asking favours, but being a helping hand to people in need. Helping others land a job might help you get into the position of asking for something in return. But the point is simple – be steady and keep on trying.

It’s no rocket science that being active on LinkedIn will help you out. You can update about what you’re doing these days, any milestones achieved, or events attended. There is a lot you can share. If nothing comes to mind, sharing a relevant white paper or article will do that job.

Don’t stick to a schedule, as it will soon turn into a menial and monotonous job. Making it your habit will do wonders in getting the numbers in the form of views and engagement. However, keep in mind that victory doesn’t lie in just getting numbers, but the numbers should be from the right audience. Engage with your industry professionals and HR to make your efforts reap the desired results. Remember to be authentic and maintain credibility to gain the trust of your fellows.

Wrap Up

While there’s no rule book for the right networking tactics, following these five steps will positively impact your career. Just to be precise – networking is a constant job to be done all your life. These few ways will steepen your success graph and expand your opportunity sphere.

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